Knife crime is any crime which involves a knife or sharp instrument. This can include:
- Carrying a knife
- Threatening someone with a knife
- Intending to hurt someone with a knife
- Using a knife to injure or kill someone
- Carrying knives during a robbery or burglary
- The involvement of a knife or knives in gang-related offences

Also in parent and guardian
Carrying a knife, even if you do not use, it has consequences that will affect your future and can cause harm to your loved ones.
Getting caught with a knife:
If your child is caught with a knife or if they were carrying it for someone else, they will be arrested and prosecuted. They can go to prison for up to four years.
No ‘safe place’ to stab someone:
A wound no matter where in the body can still be life threatening.
Joint enterprise:
Even if your child is not the one using the knife, if they are present when someone is killed using a knife they could still be prosecuted. They could be sent to prison for murder under ‘joint enterprise’.
Criminal record:
If your child has a criminal record it may limit their job opportunities, affect their ability to obtain certain types of insurances and you may be denied entry to some countries such as Australia or the USA.
Increased risk of harm:
Carrying a knife increases the risk of harm, it could be used against someone else or your child.
If you have a knife, you can dispose of it visiting one of the amnesty bins across Northamptonshire. This is a safe way for you to dispose of the blade without posing a risk to others and is completely anonymous.
Knife amnesty
You can get dispose of a knife by visiting one of the amnesty bins. These orange bins, are located across Northamptonshire. Surrendering a knife is an anonymous process and you will not face prosecution.
Knife Amnesty bins and bleed control kits can be located using this map.

Local resources
Guiding Young Minds: provide specialist support for young people, empowering them to overcome challenges in their lives. They offer mentoring, giving guidance to young people and specialist support parents in supporting their children.
Service Six: specialises in providing mental health and wellbeing support for young people and their families. Offering a variety of support from therapy, family support sessions, group support. To get support complete the self-referral form on their website.
National resources
The Ben Kinsella Trust: is an anti-knife crime charity who provides resources for parents and young people about youth violence and knife crime.
No knives better lives: Is a prevention, early intervention and education program in Scotland. They provide information about knife crime and youth violence.
Victim Support: offer a live chat and support line providing young people with specialist support to help cope with the image and effects of crime.
If you or someone you know is in immediate danger dial 999.
If you have a hearing or speech impairment, use the textphone service 1800 or if you are pre- registered with the emergencySMS service you can text on 999.
If you have witnessed or been the victim of a crime that is not an emergency, please report it. You can directly report to Northamptonshire Police here.
If you wish to remain anonymous you can visit Crimestoppers or Fearless.