Northamptonshire's local picture
As part of our strategy, we created the local picture to understand what serious violence looks like in Northamptonshire.

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Northamptonshire's local picture

As part of our strategy, we created the local picture to understand what serious violence looks like in Northamptonshire.
These are from the period 1 April 2018 to 31 March 2023; we have commissioned an additional strategic needs assessment to focus on domestic violence. In Northamptonshire:
- Serious violence crimes made up 7.1 per cent of all crimes
- Serious violence is broken down into:
- Rape and other sexual offences: 49 per cent
- Knife crime: 25.9 per cent
- Robbery: 17.3 per cent
- 41.5per cent of serious violence occurred in homes while 36.8 per cent occurred in public spaces
- 85.4 per cent of all perpetrators were male
- 47.3 per cent of perpetrators were under 25
- 56.7 per cent of victims were under 25